Installation of electric boat motors

Installation of electric boat motors

Boat builders for electric drives in Germany

We have a number of contacts with boat builders and partners in Germany who regularly install electric boat motors in our customers' boats. It is best to contact us with some details about your ship and the location.

Below you will find a small map showing the main partners and the largest locations. Of course, these are not all locations, and we are always welcoming new partners into our network.

Boat builders for electric drives in Germany

Our installation partners in Germany

Our installation partners in Germany

Boat builders for electric drives in Germany

  • Boat builder at Wannsee / in Potsdam

  • Boat builder in Berlin

  • Boat builder in Kiel

  • Boat builder at Steinhuder Meer

  • Boat builder at Lake Starnberg

  • Boat builder at Lake Chiemsee

  • Boat builder on Lake Constance

  • Boat Builder North Sea

  • Boat Builder Baltic Sea

  • Boat builder in Greifswald

Boat builders for electric drives in Germany

Our installation partners in Europe

Boat builder nearby

Boat builders for electric drives in Europe

  • Sweden

  • Finland

  • Denmark

  • Austria

  • Netherlands

  • Spain

Boat builders for electric drives in Europe

Our installation partners worldwide

Our installation partners worldwide

Boat builders for electric drives worldwide

Boat builders in the network

Are you a shipyard, a boat mechanic, or a boat builder? We have customer inquiries from all over Germany and Europe and are happy to welcome every new partner in our network.

It is best to contact us briefly by email or phone to discuss the details of a collaboration. Ideally, you have already installed an electric drive, but collaboration is possible at any time even without specific experience!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Boat builders in the network

Open questions?

Find a boat builder nearby

Do you want to find a boat builder nearby? It is best to contact us with some details about your ship and the location, and what modifications you specifically want to have done.

We look forward to your message!

Find a boat builder nearby

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